Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Daily Drift

Welcome to the Sunday Edition of  Carolina Naturally.
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Great Variety.
~ Wayne and Lisa Hibber
Our daughter was always bringing home stray 'cats' as a child ...!
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Today in History

480 BC Themistocles and his Greek fleet win one of history’s first decisive naval victories over Xerxes’ Persian force off Salamis.
1378 The election of Robert of Geneva as anti-pope by discontented cardinals creates a great schism in the Catholic church.
1519 Ferdinand Magellan embarks from Spain on a voyage to circumnavigate the world.
1561 Queen Elizabeth of England signs a treaty at Hamptan Court with French Huguenot leader Louis de Bourbon, the Prince of Conde. The English will occupy Le Harve in return for aiding Bourbon against the Catholics of France.
1565 Pedro Menendez of Spain wipes out the French at Fort Caroline, in Florida.
1604 After a two-year siege, the Spanish retake Ostend, the Netherlands, from the Dutch.
1784 Packet and Daily, the first daily publication in America, appears on the streets.
1806 Explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark pass the French village of La Charette, the first white settlement they have seen in more than two years.
1830 The National Negro Convention convenes in Philadelphia with the purpose of abolishing slavery.
1850 The slave trade is abolished in the District of Columbia.
1853 The Allies defeat the Russians at the battle of Alma on the Crimean Peninsula.
1863 Union troops under George Thomas prevent the Union defeat at Chickamauga from becoming a rout, earning him the nickname "the Rock of Chickamauga."
1934 Bruno Hauptmann arrested for the kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby.
1952 Scientists confirm that DNA holds hereditary data.
1971 Hurricane Irene becomes the first hurricane known to cross from the Atlantic to Pacific, where it is renamed Hurricane Olivia.
1973 In a pro tennis bout dubbed "The Battle of the Sexes," Billie Jean King beats Bobby Riggs at the Houston Astrodome in Texas.
1977 Socialist Republic of Vietnam admitted to the United Nations.
1984 Suicide car bomber attacks US embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, killing 22.
1985 Australia introduces a capital gains tax.
1990 South Ossetia declares its independence from George in the former Soviet Union.
2000 British MI6 Secret intelligence Service building in London attacked by unidentified group using RPG-22 anti-tank missile.
2001 US Pres. George W. Bush, addressing a joint session of Congress, declares a "war on terror.".
2008 A truck loaded with explosives detonates by Marriott hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan, killing 45 and injuring 226.
2011 US military ends its "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" policy and allows gay men and women to serve openly.

Everything Is Better with Pumpkin Spice!

It's almost time for Starbucks's pumpkin spice lattes! We're all excited because everything is better with pumpkin spice, including M&Ms, Peeps, and hamburgers. Ray's Maplewood Auto Service in Maplewood, Minnesota is getting in on the action with its unique pumpkin spice-flavored motor oil. Your engine will never be the same after it's had its first oil change with it.

Learning Spoken Language

Learning spoken language: System learns to distinguish words’ phonetic components

Every language has its own collection of phonemes, or the basic phonetic units from which spoken words are composed. Depending on how you count, English has somewhere between 35 and […]

How the brain makes environmental decisions

Homestake Mine photo by Rachel HarrisScientists see how the brain makes environmental decisions

Natural resources are under increasing threat from both human development and climate change, and environmental economists have struggled to understand how the public assigns value to remaining pristine wilderness areas. […]

Chief Judge Makes Groundbreaking Courtroom Stand Over The Failure To Prosecute Police Brutality

Chief Judge Makes Groundbreaking Courtroom Stand Over The Failure To Prosecute Police Brutality (VIDEO)This courageous judge could put the families of Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and others killed by police brutality one step closer to justice.

Past Mistakes

main-depressed_0Those who dwell on their past might be doomed to repeat their mistakes

How people remember past behavior affects their choices in the present, according to a new study that suggests the relationship between recall and self-control is more complicated than previously believed. […]

Hitler kept Nazi troops hopped up on meth pills during European invasion

'Adolf Hitler (at left) surrounded by officers talking to a soldier. Reproduction of antique photo.' [IgorGolovniov /]
"The army realized there is a drug out there that might be of interest to soldiers because Pervitin keeps you awake for a long time," author Norman Ohler said. "For the first couple of days, you don't need to sleep." 

Anti-Gay Nutjob Wants To Get Medieval On Gays And Subjugate Them By The Sword

So deeply closeted he can see his Dad's 70s leisure suits?Virulently anti-gay nutter Theodore Shoebat wants to stop those evil gays before they murder all the 'christians'. He has an eerily familiar solution for this.

Chocolate Pill?

The scientific case for the health benefits of cocoa is so strong that some experts are calling for the development of a supplement.

How Americans Spend Their Food Budgets

The USDA’s economic research group issued a breakdown of how Americans' food budgets would look if they were in accordance with their dietary guidelines. That chart is shown above at left. Naturally, though, Americans spent their food bucks in a different way.  Half of our budget was spent on meats or “other foods” (a category including junk food, sodas, candy and energy drinks). A mere 20% was spent on fruits and veggies.
What you might find surprising is the breakdown of food spending by income levels. See that information and more here.

Eat Your Oatmeal

Debris found on an ancient grindstone turns out to be oatmeal.
Another take on this here.

Oldest Written F-Bomb Discovered in Court Record

Roger Fuckebythenavele's name appeared in public records three times, starting in 1310.

Oldest and Longest

The 4000-year-old leather roll contains depictions of divine and supernatural beings.

Storm Reveals Murder?

When storms blew over a massive, centuries-old beech tree in Ireland, a Medieval teenager's remains became exposed.

Irish Fairy Folk

You’ve probably heard of leprechauns and banshees, but how about the other “little people” of the Emerald Isle?
In the 1950 film Harvey, the main character, Elwood P. Dowd (played by Jimmy Stewart), consults with a six-foot-tall rabbit that only he can see. He calls the rabbit a pooka, defined in the film as “a fairy spirit in animal form, always very large. The pooka appears here and there, now and then, this one and that one; a benign but mischievous creature, very fond of rum pots, crackpots…” That sounds benign, but in Ireland, a pooka is the most feared of all magical creatures. Pookas appear at night and wreak havoc on farmers. In County Down, legend has it that the pooka transforms itself into a deformed goblin who demands a share of the year’s harvest, which is why many farmers leave a “pooka’s share” of crops still in the field.
But the form a pooka most often assumes is that of a huge black horse with fierce yellow eyes. It roams the countryside, tearing down fences, freeing livestock, and destroying crops. The only man ever to tame the pooka was Brian Boru, the eleventh-century high king of Ireland. According to legend, Boru made the magic horse promise to stop tormenting the farmers and ruining their crops, and never again to attack an Irishman going home…. unless he’s drunk— and then he can give the man a good pounding.
Fairies who give birth to sick or ugly babies may try to swap them with healthy babies from the human world. The bad-tempered child left in its place is called a changeling. Changelings bring bad luck and misery to a human home, crying day and night. The babies most in danger of being switched are those not baptized or those who are oohed and ahhed over because of their beauty.
A changeling looks exactly like the human baby, but somehow seems to be different. They have dark, penetrating eyes that show a wisdom beyond their age. They can develop crippling diseases and live only a few years. Most changelings are boys, which is why, even as recently as 60 years ago, some Irish families would disguise their boys in dresses till they were seven years old, too old to be taken by fairies.
In Tir fo Thuinn, the land beneath the waves, the fairy people are called merrows. They mostly take the form of beautiful women who can live on land or in the sea. Unlike mermaids, who are half-human, half-fish, the merrows of Irish folklore have legs and arms. But their fingers are webbed and their feet are flat. In the northern waters off Ireland, they swim wrapped in sealskin capes and are often mistaken for seals. A merrow also wears a cohuleen druith, a magical red cap that helps her swim. She must abandon the cap and cape to come ashore. There are many stories of coastal fisherman taking merrows as lovers and even marrying them. The O’Sullivans and O’Flahertys of Kerry and the MacNamaras of Clare claim to be descendants of these unions.
If you pass two large stones leaning together in the countryside, you could be passing a grogoch’s house. But fear not— the half-man, half-fairy grogoch is a pleasant creature. He’s small, covered in red hair or fur, and very dirty. (A mother might tell her unkempt child, “You look like an old grogroch.”) Another name for this creature is pecht, which comes from Pict, the name of the Celtic people who once lived in Scotland. Like the Picts, grogochs left Scotland and settled on Ireland’s northern coast and on the Isle of Man.
A grogroch is friendly but shy, and he loves hard work. (He is credited with moving large marble stones and clipping the grass in a meadow.) The one thing a grogroch doesn’t love: laziness. Workers who lie down in fields to rest may find themselves poked and prodded by an invisible hand until they get back on the job.
Swamp gas is often the explanation for phosphorescent balls of light that appear over bogs at twilight. In Ireland these glimmering spirits are known as water sheerie and are believed to be the souls of unborn children trying to return to the mortal world. A traveler making his way through the bog might see these bobbing lights and try to follow them, thinking they are people with lanterns, but the lights are illusive and never let people get near them. If you do get close, beware. Sheerie, sometimes called “corpse candles,” may lead you into a bog hole… and a watery grave.

Canyon or Ridge?

On August 29, 2015, NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren tweeted this photograph of a canyon from the International Space Station. "Flying over Arizona. Crazy how the shadows make this canyon look like a ridge!" he noted. Lindgren was noticing an optical illusion called relief inversion. The effect happens because most of us expect an image to be lit from the top left corner. When the sunlight comes from another angle (especially from the lower edge), the shadows fall in ways we don’t expect and our brains turn valleys into mountains to compensate. The problem is usually resolved by rotating the image so the light appears to come from the top of the image. In this case, does that work for you? 

Earth News

Some of the world's largest and most iconic trees are in the path of major wildfires.
Tree rings suggest that California's dwindling snowpack is truly epic.
The continent's ancient core actually is deformed. 

Texas gun nut forces Houston Zoo to take down ‘No guns allowed’ signs

Cheetahs at Houston Zoo - Houston Zoo website
Zoo-goers in the Texas city are apprehensive and wondering why anyone would need to pack heat at the popular destination for families with children.

The most powerful marine reptile ever

A 45 ton animal that will go down in history as one of the ocean's deadliest hunters
In 2006, a fossil was dug out of a frozen island high in the Arctic. At 15 meters long and weighing about 45 tons, it was a colossal marine reptile, twice as big as most ocean predators. This was Predator X (Pliosaurus funkei), the most powerful marine reptile ever discovered. Its skull alone was nearly twice the size of a Tyrannosaurus rex's, and its bite force unmatched by anything in the Jurassic seas.

Animal News

Researchers from Lund University in Sweden have shown that well-developed eyes come at a surprising cost to other organ systems.
Birds have relationship drama much like people do, new research finds.
Tuxedoed penguins, runway-ready jellyfish and other natural dazzlers are celebrated during New York Fashion Week.
Water sports enthusiasts found out that it's not all sweetness and light if you're near a pod of cute whales and one decides to breach.
While there have always been good and bad years for polar bears, scientists expect that there will be more bad years as the Arctic warms.