Friday, January 22, 2016

Man fought off home intruder with his favorite frying pan

When an intruder broke into Glenn Tew’s house in Fayetteville, North Carolina, he fought back with his favorite frying pan. “The fact that he would come in and invade my our home and just do the damage he had done, I said no one should have to put up with that kind of mess,” Tex said
It was just before midnight on Thursday when Tew went to check on a noise in his den, and confronted 21-year-old Sheldon Dix as he broke through a glass door. “I hollered at him and he proceeded to come charging at me trying to knock me out, and we kinda locked horns and fell on the floor,” said Tew. Tew’s wife ran to help her husband, and tossed him the frying pan. “I think she hit him with a metal trash can a couple of times, and then once I got the frying pan I proceeded to given him a good dose of that!,” said Tew.
Police say just minutes before the break-in, Dix savagely attacked a mother who was waiting in her car at a nearby church parking lot. They said when another man saw the attack and tried to intervene, Dix starting beating on the man. The woman in the car then pulled out a handgun and shot at the attacker. "The victim in the car happened to be a concealed-permit holder. She had a legal right. She retrieved her firearm and fired off two rounds," said Fayetteville Police Lt. Tim Tew.
Lt. Tew is not related to the victims. He said the suspect fled across a parking lot and ran down the street. When he broke into the Tew home, he got a lot more than he bargained for. Glenn Tew hopes he can salvage his favorite frying pan. “The bottom is a little messed up, but I expect I can hammer it back down,” said Tew. Authorities say Dix is in police custody and under evaluation. He’s facing numerous charges.

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