Saturday, January 30, 2016

Monkey Adopts Puppy, Cuteness Ensues

An unlikely bond between a rhesus macaque monkey and a puppy warmed hearts and brought out curious crowds in Erode, India earlier this month. The monkey apparently took the stray pup under her wing and off she went.
The macaque made sure her adopted baby ate well, and kept a tight hold on him as she traveled both on the ground and up in the treetops. Locals who found the pair endearing set food out for them and watched as the monkey had the puppy eat before her.  There are now unconfirmed reports that local officials may have taken the puppy away from mama monkey, which, though a sad parting, is likely better for the puppy in the long run.
See additional photos — including one of the monkey flying through the trees with the puppy under her arm — and read more on the story here.

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