Sunday, January 10, 2016

Seals master saxophone playing and painting

Baikal seals have been trained in the fine arts at the Baikal Seal Aquarium in Irkutsk, Russia, with seals named Winnie-the-Pooh and Laska taught to paint and play musical instruments.
The seals, which originate from Lake Baikal in Siberia and are known as the symbol of Baikal, practice their paint strokes and brass instrument playing techniques to entertain children and adults.
As well as art, the seals also demonstrate their athletic ability with a series of flips and rolls in return for fish. A trainer at the aquarium Evgenii Baranov said that Baikal seals "Are very capable and intelligent animals.

"Probably, they are not inferior even to dolphins. They understand us well and so do we. So there is true collaboration in our aquarium." He added that the "Baikal seal was considered to be the most wild type of the seal before I started training them."

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