Sunday, January 17, 2016

Snake thief caught on camera putting python down his pants

Police in Portland, Oregon, are looking for a man who walked into A to Z pet store on Friday and stole a snake by stuffing it down his pants. Video shows the man walking into the store with a woman at about 2pm.
He made his way to the back of the store, to the snake area, stuck his hand in the tank, and took out a black pastel ball python. He then stuffed the python into his pants and walked out. Store co-owner and manager Christin Bjugan says the snake is about 2 feet long, and was being sold for $200.
She says this type of snake isn’t aggressive. But on that day, the man got lucky. “It was close to feeding day. The snakes are very hungry, I know when I go back there on a Saturday or Sunday even, the snakes are up against the glass looking for food," she said. "So he made it in the nick of time.

“They like dark warm places so he was probably very comfortable where he was at.” She says, the whole incident makes her mad. A to Z Pets is a family store, they work hard, and have been in the community for 20 years. She is grateful for the surveillance cameras, and hopes police catch the man soon.

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