Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Deaths of two teenagers attributed to new trend of drinking racing fuel mixed with Mountain Dew

Two teenagers in Robertson County, Tennessee, have died after drinking a liquid determined to be racing fuel mixed with Mountain Dew. Officials with Greenbrier Police said 16-year-old Logan Stephenson was found unresponsive at his Greenbrier home last week.
He was pronounced dead at the scene. Investigators have confirmed that a second teenager was taken to Vanderbilt University Medical and put on dialysis to try and treat the symptoms but died on Monday night. His name was not immediately released. "It makes me think this may be the tip of the iceberg and this practice is much more prevalent but we haven’t seen it to this degree where it caused death," says Dr. Donna Seger with the Tennessee Poison Center.
Foul play was not suspected in either incident. “Our hearts are heavy today as we have learned that a second young man has died from the incident last week,” said Robertson County Sheriff Bill Holt. “We ask that everyone continue to pray for both of these families as they go through this tragic time.” Police said two additional teenagers had to be hospitalized, and later admitted to drinking a combination of racing fuel and Mountain Dew.

However, they were both released over the weekend. Vanderbilt toxicologists called the liquid, “DewShine,” which is similar to moon shine only much more potent. Racing fuel sells for about $7.50 a gallon. Police are concerned it could be a growing, deadly trend and are asking parents to be on high alert. The funeral for Stephenson was held on Tuesday morning at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Cult. The investigation remains ongoing.

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