Tuesday, February 2, 2016

No One Knows Why Lost Phones Are Leading To This House

Last February, the very month that Atlanta couple Michael Saba and Christina Lee moved in together, they received a visit from a disturbing group of visitors. A furious family of people arrived at their house and demanded the couple return their lost smart phone.Since then, a dozen more people have showed up to Lee and Saba's suburban home looking for their lost phones, despite the fact that the couple -- nor anyone else -- can explain the multiple signals from smartphone tracking apps leading them to that particular location. Adding to the mystery, the phones have been of all different makes and carriers. The angry visitors have shown up at all hours of the day and night, and sometimes with the police. Said a concerned Sada,
“My biggest fear is that someone dangerous or violent is going to visit our house because of this.” (Such as this man, in a separate incident.) “If or when that happens, I doubt our polite explanations are gonna go very far.”

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