Friday, February 12, 2016

Primal Linkage

The Oxford Words blog explains the origin of the phrase "currying favor" in a brief video.  "The original form of this phrase was actually ‘to curry Favel’, which probably sounds rather puzzling. Favel was the name of a chestnut horse in a 14th-century French tale who was renowned for his cunning and duplicity."
NPR reports that "The Onion" has been sold to Univision. (honest)
The largest known prime number has been discovered.  The number is 274,207,281-1.  It has 22,338,618 digits.  Perhaps some reader can leave a comment on this post as to why this is important or relevant to real life.
A "life pro tip" - "when paying a friend cash, ask them to double check it so they don't feel awkward counting it in front of you."
Trail running in the Scottish Highlands.  A five-minute video best enjoyed by clicking the full-screen icon.
The pronunciation of poinsettia is explained at Language Log.  "The journalist also wondered whether the "poinsetta" pronunciation is a mistake, and whether people who use it should be corrected. My response was that there are lots of similar cases of variants with a phoneme or two missing — february, surprise, etc. — and the fact that such variants are listed in dictionaries is a good reason not to correct people who prefer them. And there are other cases where pronouncing the lost phonemes is actually a mistake — wednesday (at least in the U.S.), worcester, etc."
How to run out of a steep hole.
Secret doors and hiding places in homes.

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