Monday, February 1, 2016

Robbery disrupted when passer-by stole keys from getaway car

A passer-by disrupted an attempted robbery on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, by stealing the keys to the getaway car before chasing the suspects from the scene. James Ross-Munro had stopped outside a service station at Arundel due to a broken flip-flop.
He and his friend Kane Wiblen saw two men jump out of a white Commodore with no numberplates and allegedly break into the restaurant. Mr Wiblen had begun filming the flip-flop when they spotted the car, and continued filming throughout the incident.
Mr Ross-Munro took the car keys then shouted for service station staff to call the police. When the alleged robbers returned to the car, the driver realized the keys had been taken and ran away. The second man got into the front passenger seat and closed the door. Mr Ross-Munro jumped into the car through the driver's door towards the passenger, who then jumped out of the car.

Mr Ross-Munro then chased them both down the road. "I chased them but because I'm fat they got away haha," he posted. Gold Coast police confirmed the incident on Saturday and said they had a 23-year-old man in custody. Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk urged civilians to let the police do their job. "I don't want to see any individuals putting their lives, their safety at risk," she said.

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