Monday, February 29, 2016

Romantic Couple Held Elegant Valentine's Day Dinner at Taco Bell

As the movie Demolition Man teaches us, eventually all restaurants will be Taco Bells--even the most luxurious. Cassie and Daniel are just 16 years ahead of schedule.
For their Valentine's Day dinner, they dressed formally and plated their food with china, crystal, custom-printed menus, and fine silverware.
Daniel explained to Obsev how they pulled off this romantic scene in such a non-traditional setting:
“We’ve been together for five years now and we’re always looking for new ways to celebrate being together,” Daniel told Obsev.  “With Valentine’s Day coming up, we did what any couple did and thought up a bunch of ideas that we’d either already done or just didn’t feel right.  She finally threw up her hands and jokingly said, ‘Let’s just go to Taco Bell!’ As soon as she said it, I knew we had to make it happen.”
The Taco Bell night out only came together with the help of the staff, who, Daniel said, were “really accommodating” and even “cleaned off a prime window side table and dimmed the lights a bit to set the mood.”
You can see more photos of their fine dining here.

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