Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Santa Claus fined for reckless driving

Santa Claus has been arrested in North Idaho. Officers in Post Falls arrested a Washington man, legally named Santa Claus, late on Thursday night after he was spotted driving the wrong way. An officer activated his lights and Mr Claus pulled over.
“It should be noted that the vehicle was still in the wrong lane of travel,” wrote the officer who pulled over 67-year-old Mr Claus. Police said they informed Mr Claus why they pulled him over. Mr Claus stated he was not from around there and unfamiliar with the streets according to court records.
Police said they could smell alcohol coming from the vehicle when they spoke to Mr Claus. Officers at the scene conducted a field evaluation of Mr Claus and said he had difficulty maintaining his balance. He later agreed to submit a breath test. Court records stated the two samples read .130 and .119.
Police arrested Mr Claus for DUI but noted he was “cooperative throughout.” Court records showed Mr Claus admitted to having three or four beers at Moon Dollars Bistro in Post Falls. The charge was reduced to misdemeanor reckless driving when Mr Claus appeared in court on Friday. He pleaded guilty and paid a $700 fine.
There's a news video here.

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