Monday, February 15, 2016

Sparrow followed woman home and has become a member of the family

A sparrow has set up home with an elderly couple in Fukaya, in Japan's Saitama prefecture, becoming the newest member of their family.
Yoshiko Fujino said she first saw the bird, named Pee Chan, in mid-November while working as a traffic guide for local school children. It followed her home, resting on her shoulder and not wanting to leave.
"He's like a family member, he's very comforting. It's fun, coming home to a sparrow," she said. "My grandchildren have grown up, and there's none who are still small, so I don't know how to say it clearly, but he's like a family member."
Fujino assumes the sparrow, which appears comfortable in the surroundings, is wild, but also says she does not rule out the possibility the bird was once a household pet.
With video. Or you can watch it at YouTube.

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