Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Porn Viewers Are More Likely to View Women as Equals

A recent study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that porn enthusiasts viewed women as more equal to men than people who did not watch porn. It’s as if they could tell that all the women they’re watching on their laptops are making more money than the men!
The Western University study looked at data from over 28,000 that studied the attitudes of people in the U.S. from 1975 to 2011. Of the 23 percent of participants who admitted to watching porn in the past year, both men and women held more progressive views about women working outside of the home and abortion. Male viewers were also more likely hold positive views of women holding positions of political power.
While this research challenges claims that pornography perpetuates negative views about women, it did not prove that porn is helpful in promoting feminism either. Viewers were just as likely to identify as feminists as non viewers. So instead of trying to make porn something that it’s not and appreciate it for what it is: a legitimate industry where women dominate. The subconscious reminder that women can do that outside of porn is a bonus.

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