Friday, March 11, 2016

The Daily Drift

Editorial Note: "Wonderful article! We are linking to this great post on our site.Keep up the good writing." Just one of our latest comments we received yesterday and this one was for an article from 2013 - so people are reading old and new posts daily.
Also a reader using the screen name Atlantagossip wanted to know if there was an email contact for info about an article. Yes and no. The original email we set up for this blog was compromised by spammers back in the single digit years of this century - remember those "Nigerian Princes" - so we just ceased using that one. Now we have one that we only give out upon request and then only selectively. So if you truly need it just place a comment on the blog and we will check it out and let you know. Too many perverts, trolls and wingnuts lurk in the dark corners as it is and we have enough to do just filtering the comments of their offal to have an open email for them to clutter up with their foulness.
Welcome to Today's Edition of Carolina Naturally.
OH, we really wet them ...! 
Carolina Naturally is read in 206 countries around the world daily.   
An Apple A Day ... !
Today is - Johnny Appleseed Day

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Don't forget to visit: The Truth Be Told
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