Saturday, March 5, 2016

Toy Boat Launched Off Coast Of South Carolina Ends Up In Wales

Kids and adults alike have grand ideas about where a toy boat will go when they set it afloat in at the beach, but most toy ships simply aren't cut out for a sea voyage and end up either dashed against the rocks or sunk.
So when the fourth grade class from St. Andrew's School of Math and Science set the "Carolina Dreamer" free off the coast of South Carolina they had no idea how far it would float before sinking.
But that little toy boat proved it was made of the right stuff and somehow survived a 4000 mile trip to Wales, where it was discovered by a mom and her son who were walking along the beach.
"We were looking across the waves when it literally sailed right to us," Helen Hinks told the BBC."It was magical."
The class was able to track most of the ship's epic eight month voyage with an onboard GPS tracker, and now they're waiting to see if it will survive the return trip home.

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