Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Two police officers hospitalized after fighting over a banana

Two policemen on night patrol in Tamil Nadu, south India, got into a big fight over a banana on Wednesday, and both ended up in hospital. Special sub-inspector Radha and driver Saravanan, patrolling the streets of Srirangam and Thiruvanaikaval, were found having a go at each other on the road after one of them ate the banana the other had brought. When the fight began to get out of hand, other policemen in the area turned up
They separated them and took the badly injured duo to the Srirangam Government Hospital, where they have been admitted. According to police sources, Radha and Saravanan had been having arguments since they began their patrol. Saravanan had been keeping the banana to eat later in the morning. When he found it missing and questioned Radha, he said he had eaten it.
An enraged Saravanan began to shower abuse on Radha, who retaliated. This led to a scuffle, and eventually to fisticuffs. But for the intervention of the other policemen, things could have been a lot worse. The duo, who were bleeding from the nose and limbs, are now nursing their injuries in the hospital. Senior officials of the department are said to be inquiring into the incident.

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