Monday, April 18, 2016

Guy Takes Sleeping Pills for the First Time, Accidentally Buys Live Yak

Imgur member carefreedude has a friend who recently took sleeping pills for the first time. Before they put him to sleep, they lowered his inhibitions. He got online and bought a live yak.
That's a $3,075.99 accidental purchase. But when he recovered and realized his mistake, he managed to cancel it. Distractify has an update:
I have an update on the Yak.
He managed to stop the payment at the credit card company. He also posted this on Facebook:
Oh I’m sure you would’ve all liked for me to just let them deliver it, but a) My apartment complex would boot my ass on to the street. The only thing worse than being homeless is being a homeless yak owner. b) My beagle Lucy would lose her motherf*cking mind. c) I’m an astrophysicist, not Baron Moneybags Von Richf*ck so I can’t just spend $3,000 on a yak to amuse the Internet.

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