Monday, April 11, 2016

Man arrested for assaulting wrong car

An altercation between a man and a Ford Taurus on the Winona State University campus in Minnesota has resulted in felony charges filed against the man.
WSU security notified Winona police that a man was punching, kicking and screaming at a blue Ford Taurus parked on King Street on the WSU campus. On arrival, police found Mikhail Igrevich Belenky, 19, of Howard Lake, Minnesota, assaulting the unresisting automobile.
Asked to explain his bellicosity toward the inanimate object, Belenky told officers that it was his car and it had been giving him trouble, court documents state. Officers observed that Belenky appeared intoxicated, an observation confirmed by a breath test that indicated a .197 blood alcohol content. Belenky was then cited for underage drinking.
Unfortunately for Belenky, the Taurus he had assaulted wasn't a Taurus he owned, a fact that he realized by the time officers spoke with him. According to the complaint filed against him, Belenky did $1,886.35 worth of damage to the defenseless Ford, resulting in a felony charge of first-degree criminal damage to property. No court date has been set.

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