Saturday, April 30, 2016

Teabagger ‘Christian’ Threatens To Rape A Disabled Child Because Her Parents Are ‘Godless Fags’...

'Christian family values' strike again.

Gregory Kirschmann is a bible-thumping teabagger who believes that the 'holy' lies are law above all else. As a “peaceful christian,” he hates atheism, gay marriage and all those who think or believe differently from him with such passion that he is willing to threaten a child with Down’s Syndrome because one of her parents dared to do the unthinkable:

Greg Kirschmann angry w/ my friend 4 confronting clergy sex abuse. He threatens to rape her Down's Syndrome child
That’s right, godless limey fags, the crime of confronting sexual abuse by the clergy comes with the punishment of sexual abuse of your children, even if those children have Down’s Syndrome.

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