Friday, April 15, 2016

The Daily Drift

Welcome to Today's Edition of Carolina Naturally.
Very much so ...! 
Carolina Naturally is read in 206 countries around the world daily.   
Yep ... !
Today is - That Sucks Day

You want the unvarnished truth?
Don't forget to visit: The Truth Be Told
Some of our readers today have been in:
The Americas
Brazil - Canada - Chile - Nicaragua - Puerto Rico - Sint Eustatius and Saba 
United States - Venezuela
Albania - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Croatia - Denmark - England 
France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Italy - Netherlands - Norway - Poland 
Portugal - Romania - Russia - San Marino - Scotland - Serbia - Slovakia 
Slovenia - Spain - Turkey - Ukraine - Wales
China - Hong Kong - India - Indonesia -  Laos - Malaysia - Mauritius 
Singapore - Sri Lanka
Nigeria - South Africa - Tunisia
The Pacific
Australia - New Zealand - Philippines
Don't forget to visit our sister blogs Here and Here.

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