Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How To Avoid Turning Into A Troll While Working From Home

Working from home seems like a dream come true when you're tired of being forced to commute and sit in the same building day in and day out, but working from home also comes with a risk of turning into a troll.
Now we're not talking about the online version here, we're talking those antisocial creatures from folklore who smell and are so socially inept they end up living under a bridge because they can't fiti in with society.
 photo troll2_zpsmtli6efg.gif
If you work from home and don't want to go full troll all you have to do is work like you would anywhere else- keep your work space clean, keep to a work schedule and keep track of all tasks and deadlines.
You'll also feel like less of a troll if you keep your pants on while working, or at least bathe on a regular basis, both of which will make things a lot less awkward when you invite your fellow trolls home workers over.
But beware- day drinking often leads to a loss of pants!

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