Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Amityville Home for Sale Again

The house at 108 Ocean Ave Amityville, New York, is once again for sale. Yes, that house. We reported on its listing in 2010. While the asking price is lower this time around, it is still above the average selling price for similar homes in that area. There are drawbacks to having a famous home, like the tourists who feel the need to invade your space.
The house was the site of a horrific multiple murder in 1974 when Ronald DeFeo killed both his parents and his four siblings. DeFeo was found guilty of six counts of murder and is currently incarcerated. George and Kathy Lutz moved into the house in 1975 and stayed a mere 28 days. They were the subject of the 1977 book The Amityville Horror, in which the family endured paranormal experiences in the home. The book spawned a series of horror films. Later residents of the house reported no unusual occurrences, and while marketed as a true story, the book is mainly regarded as fiction now. Since the house became famous, the iconic windows featured prominently in the movies have been altered, and the house number has been changed from 112 to 108.
The house has five bedrooms, 3.5 baths, a quarter-acre lot, a garage and boathouse, and backs up to the Amityville River. The list price is $850,000. See the real estate listing for the home, with exterior photos.

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