Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Descendants of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr are Friends

In 1804, Vice President Aaron Burr killed former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in a duel. They were bitter enemies, but that's not an issue for their descendants, Alexandra Hamilton Woods and Antonio Burr.
Woods is the great great great great great ganddaughter of Hamilton. Antonio Burr is a descendant of a cousin of Aaron Burr. Both are psychologists in New York City. They met by chance several years ago and found a mutal interest in kayaking and canoeing. Now the pair paddle around together as members of the Inwood Canoe Club of Manhattan. The New York Post quotes Hamilton's descendant:
“I used to tease him about our respective history,” Hamilton Woods says. “We’ve had a number of interesting conversations. But I have great fondness and respect for Antonio.”
Both of them are members and officers in their canoe club. Although they somtimes have disagreements, they resolve them without bloodshed:
The two friends now find themselves in their own political situation. Hamilton Woods sits on the Inwood Canoe Club board as treasurer, and Burr is the president emeritus. They might have the occasional disagreement, but they settle things peacefully.
“We do a lot of negotiating,” says Hamilton Woods. “But he and I find ourselves usually on the same side.”

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