Sunday, June 19, 2016

Drunk restaurant customer left $1,000 tip then returned the next morning to ask for it back

A drunk customer who left a tip of over $1,000 returned to the restaurant the next morning to ask for it back. The unnamed man had dined at the Thailicious restaurant in Edgewater, Colorado.
The waiter was surprised by the $1,088 tip. He took it to his boss, Bee Anantatho, who was thrilled, but warned her staff to hold on to the money overnight, just in case he came back.
And he did, the very next day, the moment the restaurant opened. “He said, ‘I’m sorry, I was drunk,’” she said. “He didn’t know he put all the money he had in the checkbook.”
Some of the bills were $100 bills, and she suspected he might have thought they were $1 bills. She gave the money back to him, and he gave her $100 to cover the dinner, about $60, and the rest for a tip.

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