Thursday, June 9, 2016

Pavlov Watch Shocks You Awake

It's called the Pavlok. It's an alarm accessory that you control from a smartphone or tablet computer. Slip it onto your wrist when you go to bed. When it's time to wake up, it will gently vibrate. If that's not enough, it can also sound an alarm or even give you an electric shock. Brian Heater of TechCruch describes his experience testing the Pavlok:
It’s…intense. It’s not painful, exactly, but it’s a bit more of a jolt than I was anticipating. Honestly, it’s not my preferred method for getting out of bed in the morning, but until someone builds a smart alarm clock into a puppy that will lick my face until I wake up, it’ll have to do. And besides, this is Pavlovian conditioning we’re talking about here.
A puppy-licking based alarm clock would be awesome!

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