Monday, June 6, 2016

Scrotal Lifting

New Cosmetic Surgery
Gravity will have its way on the human body. Over time, particular parts may droop. This causes distress to some people, who take corrective measures with surgical help. For example, women may desire breast lifts to give their profiles a more buoyant and youthful look.
Men, though, have not commonly used surgery to fight against the ravages of gravitational pull--until now. The new option is called scrotoplasty. That means tightening the skin of the scrotum so that it and its contents rise up. The Daily Mail quotes Dr. Gerard Lamb, a cosmetic surgeon in the UK:
'It's a relatively straightforward thing to do, albeit in a sensitive area.
He said the main motivator behind the procedure is to reverse one of the many unwelcome side effects of ageing.
Both male and female sexual organs shrink with age and scrotums are not exempt from the general sagging seen elsewhere. […]
'It's mainly self-consciousness as the procedure is only really going to change someone aesthetically.
'It's those who are trying to keep themselves looking and feeling good for as long as possible.'

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