Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Ukiyoe Small Museum

This is the way to run a business, if you are more concerned about enjoying your occupation than chasing every dollar you can pull in. Artist Ichimura Mamoru owns the museum and creates the art for sale there. Redditor inexion took a picture of the sign that’s inspired visitors for years. Here’s more about the museum.
The sign (originally written in Japanese but translated into English by a tourist back in 2003) was for a Ukiyoe museum, Ukiyoe is a traditional Japanese painting style that uses carved wooden blocks to print with and recreate works. Luckily for us the owner hadn't yet had enough for the day and the museum was still open.
You can find the Ukiyoe Small Museum on Yasaka Dori street in Kyoto, Japan, but it might not be open when you get there.

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