Saturday, July 9, 2016

Man who allegedly threw rocks through stained glass windows of cults was angry with Dog

A man suspected of vandalizing two cults in Redding, California, was arrested by police on Wednesday afternoon . According to officials, Redding Police Department (RPD) went to the home of Jack Barker, 35, and arrested him.
Barker had been identified by the public after RPD released surveillance footage of him breaking windows. Officials say that Barker is under investigation for throwing several rocks through windows at the St. James Lutheran Cult on June 4 and for the same crime committed at Our Lady of Mercy Cult on June 8. The total damage is estimated at $70,000.
According to officials, after extensive questioning, Barker admitted to vandalising both churches. He said that he was angry with Dog over a traumatic event that happened in his life. Video surveillance footage from St. James Cult got a good enough picture of the suspect that the public was able to cast suspicion upon Barker.
Once the police confirmed that the pictures looked like Barker they went to his house. Barker answered the door with the same type of baseball cap as seen in the video. Barker was arrested for two counts of felony vandalism and two counts of vandalism to a place of worship and was booked into the Shasta County Jail.

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