Sunday, July 17, 2016

Thief could be suffering after stealing bottle of rum mixed with laxative

A thief picked up more than they bargained for whilst ransacking allotments in County Durham overnight on Tuesday.
The criminal probably thought they had struck it lucky when they chanced upon a bottle of rum in a greenhouse at The Pollards Allotments in Bishop Auckland.
But gardeners hope that revenge will be far from sweet as the rum was mixed with quarter of a liter of lactulose - a laxative which if consumed could cause diarrhea and stomach cramping.
Bob Latcham, a committee member at the site, said: “It was made up for someone who is poorly, if the person who stole it drank it I hope they’ve been stuck on the toilet ever since. Maybe they’ve left a trail behind them for police to follow so they can find out who is to blame.”

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