Friday, July 1, 2016

Woman allegedly wielded a hatchet after man repeatedly refused to have sex with her

After her repeated demands to have sex were rebuffed, a Florida woman grabbed a hatchet and began beating on the locked door of the bathroom where her intended beau had sought refuge, police report. According to police, Leslie Mills, 26, returned home early Thursday after a drinking binge and began badgering the victim to “engage in sexual activity with her.”
The man, who said he was awoken by the persistent Mills, told officers that he moved from the Ocala home’s bedroom to the couch in a bid to escape her. However, Mills followed him to the living room, where she climbed on top of the victim, “still asking for him to have sex with her,” according to an Ocala Police Department report.
After again declining to have sex, the man went into the bathroom and locked the door. Mills responded, police report, by pounding on the door, which she then successfully pushed open. Upon Mills entering the bathroom, the victim noticed that she was carrying a hatchet that had been removed from a living room wall. The man said that he wrestled the hatchet from Mills’s hands after she raised the weapon and "appeared to be preparing to strike him."
The victim, whose relationship with Mills is unknown, then fled the residence and called 911. Responding officers noted that Mills, who appeared drunk, was “dressed in just a bathrobe” when they encountered her outside the home. Mills was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a felony, and misdemeanor domestic battery. Free on $5500 bond, Mills is scheduled for a July 26 court hearing.

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