Sunday, August 21, 2016

Dog's first sniff of fermented herring went about as well as could be expected

Malin Jonsson from Umeå in northern Sweden spotted her French bulldog, six-year-old Ella, begging for food during a recent surströmming party.
But after only sniffing a piece of the fermented herring offered to her, the pet seemed to speak for many people with the way she reacted.
"Eating surströmming is an important tradition in my northern family this time of the year. I have an older bulldog, Ernst, who is an avid surströmming lover and shares the delicacies with us every year.
"When Ella had been begging loudly for a while she got the chance to taste it. We know how strong the craving can be," she said. "I was very surprised by her reaction. I had expected that she would enjoy it, obviously," Ella added.
You can watch the possibly not safe for lunch video of Ella's reaction here.

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