Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Ex-Cons Remember Their Worst Jobs After Being Released From Prison

People who wind up in prison often learn skills while they're locked up to help them get a job when they finish their sentence, but a felony on your record reduces your job options to virtually nil.
So ex-cons are often forced to take whichever job they can get, and all that training on the inside ironically ends up being worthless on the outside due to their criminal record.
Writer and ex-con Seth Ferranti spoke with other ex-cons about the worst jobs they've had since they got out, and their answers were bad but not quite as bad as you'd expect.
Seth thought being a sauté cook sucked, but after talking to a guy who worked eleven hours a day cleaning cow crap, a guy who picked up trash at the city dump and, worst of all, a telemarketer he discovered cooking ain't so bad after all!

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