Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Man fought boredom by walking around motel while completely naked

A man from Greenfield, Massachusetts, told police he decided to fight his boredom by walking around a motel while completely naked. Police arrested Alfred Henderson, 40, after he admitted he purposely walked around the Red Roof Inn naked, according to a police report filed in Framingham District Court.
Early on Wednesday morning, motel employees told police they were in the lobby when a fully naked man walked by carrying an ice bucket. He went to the vending machine area and returned to his room. One of the two women said they had seen the man walking around wearing nothing but a T-shirt earlier, police said.
Police knocked on his room door and were greeted by Henderson. “He said, ‘You are probably looking for me.’” Henderson admitted to walking around nude. When asked why, he said, “Boredom.” “Alfred exposed himself openly and recklessly disregarding a substantial risk to public exposure,” police said.
Police arrested Henderson and charged him with open and gross lewdness. At Henderson’s Framingham District Court arraignment prosecutors did not ask for bail and Judge David Frank released him. Henderson is due back in court on Oct. 16 for a pretrial conference.

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