Saturday, August 27, 2016

Pantless woman accused of DUI called friend for a lift who was also pantless and arrested for DUI

Police in Troy, Michigan, stopped a black Impala driven by 23-year-old Samantha Alfaro of Lansing for suspected DUI earlier this month. The female officer who made the stop was surprised to find that Alfaro was naked from the waist down. Police dash cam video filmed what happened. "Where's your clothes? Where's your pants?" the officer asked.
Asked how much she had to drink, Alfaro responded, "Too much. Just take me to jail already!" The officer was more than willing to grant Alfaro's request, but there is a dress code. "Try and put your pants on. You're going to be getting out of the car," the officer said. The dash cam shows the officer probing the car and questioning a 19-year-old passenger.
Alfaro remained half-naked and unafraid during much of the encounter. But with the pending arrival of another male officer, a "cover-up" ensued. "Just put your pants on okay cause there's a male officer coming and I don't want you to be exposed, you know?," the female officer said to Alfaro. Alfaro complied and was arrested for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, first offense.

When Alfaro called a friend for a lift home the story took another strange twist. Jocelyn Reardon, 20, was stopped for DUI 200 yards from the Troy police station when she arrived to pick up Alfaro. Reardon was wearing a T-shirt and little else. "Are you wearing any clothes other than the shirt?," an officer asked. Reardon wasn't wearing any pants either. She was also charged with DUI.

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