Saturday, August 20, 2016

Unusual Uses For Mouthwash

Every day people take a swig from a bottle of mouthwash, swish, gargle and spit for the sake of oral health, but do they know what they're putting in their mouth?
The active ingredients in most mouthwashes are menthol, eucalyptol, methyl salicylate and thymol, powerful antiseptics and anti-fungals with a lot of different uses that you probably shouldn't swallow.
The anti-fungal properties in mouthwash make it great for soaking your feet, as it helps prevent athlete's foot and toe fungus, and it's good to disinfect your toothbrush in it for the same reason.
Now those uses make sense, but here's where the strange comes in- you can use mouthwash to wash your laundry.
Instructables author Penolopy Bulnick on her experience washing laundry with mouthwash:
Use about a cup of mouthwash instead of laundry detergent when you're in a pinch. I highly recommend using a more colorless and sugar-free mouthwash for this. I used what you see and didn't have any problems, but I avoided washing any whites or nice close just in case. I did wash a tan towel and it still came out tan.

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