Sunday, September 4, 2016

Man surprised after chicken laid two-tone egg

A chicken has mystified her owner after laying a two-tone egg.
Norman Durham, from Hutton Rudby, North Yorkshire, had been on his usual rounds checking on his poultry and collecting eggs when he came across his unusual find.
The egg produced by the Welsummer hen has a two-tone color in a symmetrical pattern. The discovery has left Norman surprised. He has kept hens for 50 years and says he has never before seen an egg colored in this way. “I was feeding them on my morning rounds and then found it in the nest box,” he said.
“It’s just a freak occurrence really. I’ve never, ever seen one like it before, nothing even near to it.” It is not known why the egg appeared the way it did. Unusual eggs can be a sign of stress or illness, or are sometimes just a chance occurrence.

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