Friday, September 23, 2016

Mighty Fierce Facts About The Aztecs

We've all heard stories of the Aztecs getting snowed out of their golden fortune by Spanish Conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes in the early 16th century, and we've heard tales of ritual sacrifice, cannibalism and infanticide.
But unless you've studied the Aztecs you're probably a bit hazy about many aspects of their warrior society, wondering where the myths end and the true (hi)story begins.
Aztecs were undisputably badass on the battlefield, and they employed psychological tactics in battle as well as a massive Macuahuitl, basically a cricket bat with obsidian blades mounted on both sides.
According to a Spanish report an Aztec warrior was able to cut off a horse's head with this fearsome weapon, a fact which was recently proven true on the show The Deadliest Warrior.
The Aztecs also wore animal inspired armor and made a racket with drums and savage screams to strike terror into the hearts of their enemies, hoping to make them scatter in battle.
But despite their fearsome tactics and reports of their bloodlust the Aztecs preferred to take prisoners rather than kill in battle, because it takes more skill to imprison a soldier.
Plus, this meant the Aztecs would have more warriors to sacrifice to their massive pantheon of gods...

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