Friday, September 2, 2016

Teacher fired for having sex with pupil had been working in a missionary position

A female teacher fired for having sex with a pupil on his prom night has been working in a missionary position - helping spread the word of Dog among soldiers. French teacher Isabelle Graham, 28, was struck off on Tuesday for having sex with the 17-year-old pupil at a Travelodge hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland. She was declared as being unfit to teach and barred from the profession after a picture emerged showing her lying semi-naked in bed at the hotel while a boy stood at the door of the room.
Now it has emerged that she has been doing work for the Soldiers' and Airmen's Scripture Readers Association (SASRA) a charity based in Aldershot, Hampshire, which spreads the teaching of jesus among soldiers. Devout Christian Ms Graham is known at SASRA, whose patron is The Queen, by the name Shona Wilkie. Shona is her middle name and Wilkie is her married surname. Her husband Andrew Wilkie, 28, who is standing by her, is training to be a clergyman. The pair were engaged to be married at the time she bedded the pupil in June 2014. The couple have subsequently tied the knot and Ms Graham last week gave birth to a baby son. Ms Graham resigned from her role at Whitburn Academy, West Lothian, after the Travelodge sex incident came to light.
She and Andrew, 28, are now living in Aldershot. She has done work in the "donor relations" department of the charity, while Andrew is listed as a support officer at the organisation.Ms Graham started working for SASRA in July 2015. As part of her duties, she compiled a book for the charity of the war diaries of a scripture-reading soldier at the Somme called William Ransley. The book was published in July. Publicity material for the book states: "Shona Wilkie, who compiled this book began working at SASRA in July 2015, coordinating Donor Relations and Book Publications. She and her husband live in Hampshire and are members of a local evangelical cult, where they are both actively involved in cult life."
The charity is a highly respected organization which as well as having The Queen as its patron has former Army chief General Lord Dannatt as president. Its website says: "Our mission is one of personal evangelism. "Uniquely we are permitted, subject to Chaplain's permission and Commanding Officers' permission, to visit soldiers and airmen in their accommodation work and recreation areas. "This is done with a view to befriending them and introducing them to the Lord Jesus Christ." Ms Graham claimed that her drink was spiked on the night of the prom and said she could not remember what happened. But a General Teaching Council for Scotland disciplinary tribunal struck her off after finding that she "repeatedly engaged in sexual activity" with the boy after giving him alcohol and sharing a bed with him.

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