Monday, September 26, 2016

The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time

TV series have been around for about 70 years now, and there have been a lot of them. How could you possibly rank them all against each other? Rolling Stone explains how they did it.
So we undertook a major poll – actors, writers, producers, critics, showrunners. Legends like Carl Reiner and Garry Marshall, who sent us his ballot shortly before his death this summer. All shows from all eras were eligible; anybody could vote for whatever they felt passionate about, from the black-and-white rabbit-ears years to the binge-watching peak-TV era. The ratings didn't matter – only quality. The voters have spoken – and, damn, did they have some fierce opinions.
The great thing about this list is that it’s all on one page, and most of the the listings have video clips. It’s delightful to scroll through and see where your old and new favorites landed, including the abrupt left turns from childhood classics to offbeat shows you’ve never heard of to your current “must see” TV. Enjoy the ride at Rolling Stone.

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