Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Lewdest Sounding Town Names In The United States

People with dirty minds like to turn location names into crude jokes, and with the exception of places like Lake Titicaca that are totally asking for it these towns don't deserve to be thought of as smutty.
In fact, there are too many lewdly named places on the planet as it is, and in the United States there's at least one town with a lewd name in every single state, towns that were clearly founded by perverts.
Okay, so maybe you don't need a dirty mind to think town names like Humptulips, Wankers Corner and Bumpass sound like the punchline of a filthy joke.
But Hooker, Oklahoma was obviously named after all the crochet enthusiasts who founded the town, and Blue Ball Village was founded by racquetball enthusiasts, right? *wink*

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