Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Unusually addressed letter somehow made it to right recipient

An envelope addressed to "Scott, from Scotland" has somehow made it to its destination in New Zealand. Tiniroto resident Scott O'Brien could not believe his eyes when he saw the envelope in his letterbox. It was addressed to: "Scott, from Scotland ... aged about 60/70?? ... corner of Tiniroto Road (almost). By a bridge. Has a Japanese wife - who may be older but looks about 20 ... also has a daughter, about 3. Loves history ... Good sense of humor ... tells a good tale ... Rural delivery area, sort of south east of Gisborne."
The letter was from the man who delivers the phone books to all the homes in the district, George MacLachlan. He was keen to catch up with O'Brien again after meeting by chance outside his home while delivering the phone book about five months ago.
"The dog barked at him when he pulled up the drive and I went out to see what it was. We had a good chat for about half an hour and then off he went. The next I heard from him was this letter and it's amazing it arrived." O'Brien has high praise for NZ Post for making sure the mail got to the right owner. He hopes he will meet up with MacLachlanagain next year.

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