Saturday, October 8, 2016

Father and son both arrested after coming to blows over thrown away Lego

A Florida man’s decision to throw out his 19-year-old son’s Lego collection triggered a domestic brawl that ended with both combatants behind bars.
Responding to a domestic violence call at a Port St. Lucie residence at 11pm on Wednesday, police encountered Nicholas Melice, Sr. and his son, Nicholas Jr.. The elder Melice, 46, had been arguing with his son, officers noted, “over Mr. Melice Sr. throwing out Mr. Melice Jr.’s Lego’s.”
The dispute, both Melices acknowledged, turned physical and included the exchange of shoves and punches. The men each suffered scratches during the fight. The younger Melice apparently discovered that his Lego had been thrown away upon returning to his family’s home from his current residence in Jupiter
“Both Mr. Melice and Mr. Melice Jr. advised they wished to pursue criminal charges,” reported an officer who added that he was unable to determine the scrape’s “primary aggressor.” The Melices were each booked into the county jail on Thursday morning for misdemeanor battery.

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