Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Feral Cats Get a Job

Sometimes you can combine two problems to make a solution. The NYC Feral Cat Initiative does a trap-neuter-return (TNR) program, but some feral cats can’t be returned because their territory turned into a dangerous construction site. Adult feral cats often cannot adjust to being pets, so adoption isn’t the answer. Meanwhile, the Javits Convention Center in Manhattan had a rodent problem, and extermination chemical weren’t doing the job. Maybe the rats have become immune. the solution was to send some of the feral cats to the Javits Center, where they took over pest control duties.
Although the cats are reportedly happy at the convention center, being fed in rotation by staff members who volunteer to bring in food, half a dozen of the felines that came from the FCI’s TNR program have found new adoptive homes during their stay at the Javits Center, including two kittens. The felines do their part to keep rodent populations in check, both by preying upon them and also by scaring them off with their scent. Convention center managers like this deal as well, because they can save money and avoid using dangerous pesticides on the property.
Sylvester, Alfreda, Mama Cat, and Ginger are living well, for feral cats. Read more about the program at Inhabitat.

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