Monday, October 31, 2016

Half-naked woman wearing clown make-up and stocking cap arrested for drunkenly chasing cars

A woman who was described by witnesses as nude or partially nude and wearing clown makeup was arrested for allegedly chasing cars in traffic. According to an arrest warrant, callers said they saw a woman in clown make-up and a stocking cap who was either partially or completely nude running up and down a road in Clarksville, Tennessee. They said she appeared to be chasing cars and jumping in front of other vehicles.
While officers were headed to the location, there were four calls to 911 from a woman who berated, threatened, and cursed the dispatchers. Police determined these calls came from the suspect’s phone. When police arrived at her home, they found her in a sports bra, pajama pants, and a stocking cap. Police said her face and body were covered in what could be described as clown make-up.
She was also holding and drinking a beer and smelled of alcohol. The woman, identified as 37-year-old Candice Kreidel, admitted to making the phone calls. The warrant says that at first she denied running in traffic, but later admitted that she had. Kreidel was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and making non-emergency 911 calls. Her bond was set at $1,500.

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