Saturday, October 29, 2016

Man alleges that his wife chased him with scissors because she didn't want a potato

A husband from Bay City,, Michigan, testified that he was scared for his life when his wife allegedly chased him with scissors over a dinner dispute. Douglas M. Levy, 59, took to the witness stand in the preliminary examination of his 51-year-old wife, Roberta L. Levy, on Thursday. He said he and his 6-year-old daughter arrived at their South End home at about 9:20pm on Friday, Sept. 30. His wife was already present, he said. He said he and his daughter had come from Kroger with three potatoes, planning to make baked spuds with broccoli and cheese for dinner. "I was cutting up a potato with a fork to put in the microwave," Levy testified. "I was getting her meal ready and Bobbi came out and said, 'I don't want a potato.'" He said his wife then grabbed a burrito out of the freezer, before grabbing other frozen items and throwing them at him. "I said, 'What's wrong with you? What are you doing? She was just screaming. I couldn't even make out what she was saying. She just snapped and started chasing me with a pair of scissors." Levy said his wife held the scissors in her right hand, their point angled downwards. "She said, 'What are you? A woman?' and she started chasing me," he said. As Roberta Levy chased her husband, their daughter yelled for her mother to stop. Douglas Levy grabbed a phone and called his 24-year-old daughter, who in turn said she was calling the police.
When he told Roberta Levy their daughter and police were coming over, she stopped her pursuit and said she was going to her aunt's house. "I feared for my life and my daughter's life," Douglas Levy testified. "She could have slipped and hit (our daughter) with (the scissors). If (our daughter) hadn't been there, I would have been stabbed." Police arrived and interviewed Douglas Levy and his young daughter. After they left, Roberta Levy returned and tried getting back in the house, her husband said. Police returned to the home. According to court records, Roberta Levy told police her husband has been verbally abusive, has been pitting their daughter against her, and won't feed her. Levy added she was heating up a microwave burrito and grabbed the scissors to cut open the package.
She and her husband started arguing while she was holding the scissors, but she denied threatening or assaulting him. Cross-examined by defense attorney Andrea L. LaBean, Douglas Levy said he and his wife have an odd relationship and that she had got out of a substance abuse rehab a few days before the incident. The hearing ended with Bay County Assistant Prosecutor Jeffrey Stroud asking District Judge Mark E. Janer to bind Roberta Levy's case over to Circuit Court for trial. Janer obliged and bound Levy's case over to the higher court. Levy is charged with single counts of assault with a dangerous weapon and domestic violence. The former is a four-year felony, while the latter is a 93-day misdemeanor.

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