Saturday, October 29, 2016

Native American headdress-wearing good Samaritan named Rambo disarmed gunman

A good Samaritan wearing a Native American headdress overpowered a man who had reportedly fired several gunshots on a MAX train in Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday night.
Police said the suspect fired his gun after he was confronted by another man on the train at about 8:30pm. The dispute between the two, who knew each other, was reportedly about money missing from the victim's home.
When officers arrived at the 102nd Avenue Transit Station, the suspect was being held down by a man who said his name was Rambo Richardson. He said he heard gunfire as the train approached the station and saw the gunman and his victim struggling.
Richardson then overpowered the gunman, took his weapon and held him down. "I just acted. That's what people are supposed to do," Richardson said. "So I just tried to be an example for others. To try to bring things back to what it used to be, the indigenous way. Helping the community, not just standing by." No one was injured during the incident.

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