Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Barnacle

A New Tool for Parking Enforcement
Police can use a mechanical boot clamped to a wheel to prevent a parking scofflaw from moving a vehicle until he pays the fine, but it’s a hassle. Boots are heavy, difficult to install and remove, and time consuming. But now meter maids have a new weapon in their arsenal: the Barnacle! This is a large “parking ticket,” so to speak, that adheres to the vehicle’s windshield and covers it completely. It sticks there by 700 pounds of suction, and is wired to tell the cops where you are if you drive off anyway. Read about the advantages of the Barnacle at Wired. Advantages to the government, that is, because it would suck to find one on your car. However, it may prove to be easier to deal with than the boot for drivers, too.

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