Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Tanzanian Rescue "Fortress" That Protects African Albinos From Human Hunters

Humans hunting humans sounds like the plot of a horror movie, but it's a sad reality for many Africans born with albinism.
People in Tanzania and other parts of Africa believe an albino's body is either magically blessed or cursed, so they're barbarically dismembered or killed over their magical properties.
In fact, so many albinos have been killed or maimed in Tanzania the government had to come to their rescue by setting up special centers where they can live in peace.
The largest of the bunch is the Kabanga Refuge Center, a rescue "fortress"in Tanzania dedicated to saving the lives of young albinos who would otherwise be hunted down due to their congenital disorder.
Documentary photographer Ana Palacios visited the Kabanga Refuge Center between 2012 and 2016 to shoot these wonderful photos and share the plight of African albinos with the world.
Ana's photos contain a tinge of sadness, the light of hope and the warmth of knowing these kids are safe to live and play like any other kid, rather than being brutalized by the ignorant and superstitious.
Read Rescue 'Fortress' In Tanzania Protects Albinos From Human Hunters here

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