Sunday, November 6, 2016

Half-naked couple found passed out in running car with toddlers on the back seat

Two people are facing charges after police said they were found passed-out and partially unclothed while their two daughters were on the back seat. Dickison San Juan, 22, and Jessica Bello, 20, face charges after they were found at around 11:20pm on Tuesday night in west Houston, Texas, police said.
The two were passed out and partially unclothed in a running car while their two daughters, aged 1 and 2, were sitting in the back seat. When officers approached the pair, they say they saw San Juan unconscious in the driver's seat with his pants down.
Bello was slumped over on the driver, also unconscious. She was straddling San Juan with her pants pulled down and shirt off, according to HPD. San Juan is charged with driving while intoxicated with a child and child endangerment. Bello is charged with endangering a child. Neither child was injured and were turned over to other family members.

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