Monday, November 7, 2016

Nobody Wants To Buy This Creepy House In Connecticut

Home is where the heart is and sometimes it can be a battleground, but pretty much everyone agrees having a home is better than being out on the streets.
And yet some houses seem to be totally unsellable due to their terrible location, poor condition or dark history.
But realtors aren't struggling to find a buyer for this house in Avon, Connecticut because of any of those reasons- they can't find a buyer because the house looks so creepy inside.
The walls look like they've been painted with blood, there is way too much copper in every room, and the decorative elements throughout the house are so jarring visitors (and potential buyers) can't wait to leave.
Maybe if buyers find out the house, priced at around $330k, is actually a contemporary art project by Fermata Arts Foundation founder Nikolay Synkov they'll stop being so revolted by the interior?
Nah, the only hope for this house of horrors is a complete interior overhaul!

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